Update Entries of a Journal

Use this endpoint to create, update or delete journal entries.
For each entry request:
When id is not provided, a new entry will be created.
When id is provided and deleted is false, the entry will be updated.
When id is provided and deleted is true, the entry will be deleted.

The response always includes all entries of this journal.

Update Entries of a Journal

This API endpoint allows you to create, update, or delete journal entries within an existing journal. By making a request to this endpoint, you can manage the individual entries of a journal based on the parameters provided.

For each entry request:

  • Create: If the entry id is not provided, a new journal entry will be created.
  • Update: If the entry id is provided and deleted is set to false, the existing entry will be updated with the new data.
  • Delete: If the entry id is provided and deleted is set to true, the specified entry will be deleted from the journal.

The response will always include all entries of the journal, reflecting any changes made by the request.


Transaction TypeAccess Level
JournalsFull Access

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