Update Employee Office Restrictions

Update Employee Office Restrictions

This API endpoint allows you to update the office restrictions for an existing employee in the system. By making a request to this endpoint, you can specify which offices an employee is restricted to.

To update an employee's office restrictions, send a request to this endpoint with the necessary parameters and data in the request body. The required parameters include the employee's ID and the IDs of the offices to which the employee is restricted. If the list is empty, the employee is not restricted to any office.

Path Parameter

idThe ID of the employee whose office restrictions are being updated.
Body Parameters

Body Parameters

officesThe IDs of the offices this employee is restricted to. When it is empty, the employee is not restricted to any office.

Example Request

URL: https://{baseURL}/v1/Employees/{id}/OfficeRestrictions

  "offices": [1, 2, 3]


Transaction TypeAccess Level
EmployeesFull Access

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