Retrieve Expense Management Rules

Retrieve Expense Management Rules

This API endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of expense management rules based on various query parameters. It serves as a valuable tool for efficiently accessing specific rules that match the provided filters.

To retrieve expense management rules, make a request to this endpoint with the necessary query parameters. You can filter the results by rule type, limit the number of records, and specify an offset for pagination.

Query Parameters

RuleTypeIdint32Select only rules of this type.
Limitint32Specify how many records to be included in the list. Default is 100. Max is 100.
Offsetint32Specify how many records to skip.

Example Request

GET <https://{baseUrl}/v1/ExpenseManagementRules?RuleTypeId=5&Limit=50&Offset=10>


Transaction TypeAccess Level
Set Up OptionsFull Access, Read Only

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